Monday, June 21, 2010

The Questionnaire

The Vishnu Sahasranamam is a work by a devotee, for a devotee, and of the devotees, and as usual, orchestrated by the Lord Himself.
The questions were posed by Yuddhishtir, who was sent to Bhishma by Lord Krishna Himself, to solve his doubts.
The answers were given by Bhishma, who was awaiting the time when he would reach the lotus feet of the Lord, and perhaps, chanting the Lord's names was the Lord's way of cleansing his soul.
The compilation is by none other than Ved Vyasa.
So, whatever a devotee seeks, the Lord arranges it for him/her.
Yuddhishtir wanted knowledge, he got it.
Bhishma desired salvation, he too got it.
We are lucky, as He predicted that we will be asking for this and that, and so He arranged for this gem of a compilation through Veda Vyasa.
Let us all seek Him!

Now, what did Yuddhishtir ask?
1. "kim ekam dhaivatam loke?
(Who is the greatest Lord in the world?)

First, Yuddhishtir begins by asking what a kid would ask!

2. kim vaapyekam parayanam?
(Who is the one refuge of all?)
Now, caught in the troubles of the world!

3. stuvantam kam prApnuyuh mAnavah subham?
(By glorifying whom, can man attain peace and prosperity?)
The lookout for 'achievement' in life, and help in that very process!

4. kam arcanat prApnuyuh mAnavaah subham?
(By worshipping whom can man reach auspiciousness?)
The lookout for a 'meaning' in life! Who will provide it?!

5. kO dharmah sarva dharmANaam bhavatah paramO matah?
(What is, in your opinion, the greatest Dharma(relegion)?)
Searching for knowledge on 'relegion'.

6. kim japam mucyatE jantur janma samsAra bandhanAth?

(By doing Japa of what, can creature go beyond the bonds and cycle of birth and death?)
Last but not the least, how do I releive myself from this turmoil of birth, and death, and this in-between thing called 'life'?

Yuddhishtir progresses from the most straightforward of questions, and then stacks the intensity.
Poor Bhishma, lying on a bed of arrows!
What would he tell this rather inquistive king?
To be continued...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear In Love With Krishna,

    May Shri Hari help you in continuing this effort obstacle-free.

    A very noble effort indeed! Eagerly awaiting.

    I have something that might be useful for you. Sri Oppiliappan Koil Varadachari mama has prepared a collection of five ebooks explaining each name, based on Sri Parasara Bhattar's Bhagavad Guna Darpanam and Sri Adi Sankarar's older commentary. Here are the five links. You may find them useful in the course of preparing the blog posts:

    Also, the introductory part (before the names start) of Bhattar's Bhagavad Guna Darpanam is available in English on Digital Library of India. I have included the link here for the starting page: Link

    Kindly let me know if you would like me to convert the above resource from Digital Library of India into one pdf file and upload.

  3. Dear Prahladadasa,
    Thankyou so much for the links.
    They proved to be very useful!
